Your Voice Matters

Why Worthy Warrior Exists

Your pain is real, and it is not normal to live a life clouded with dismissal, gaslighting, and lack of support. You are worthy. You have been strong when it was your only choice. You are a warrior.

Find Support From Warriors Like You

Turn to Worthy Warrior

Worthy Warrior is a community for all the Warriors who want to transform how Endo is treated in medicine and improve life for people with Endo – for themselves and the future. It starts with education and is founded on community, validation, and shared experience.

It’s a culture that embraces Endometriosis and pelvic pain patients with support, solutions, and education. We help people recognize their symptoms and provide a place to discuss their options. It’s a platform for those who know Endo to share their experiences.

Why Are We Here?

Our Vision and Mission


We’re here to solve what generations of those before us have not – so endo patients can be free to explore the fullness of life, uninhibited by pain.

Worthy Warrior aims to improve the system of care for endometriosis and pelvic pain by:

  • Making it easy to find the best people around you to help you get the answers you need
  • Providing a support system filled with people who can truly relate
  • Ending the culture of normalizing period pain, pain with intercourse, and persistent pelvic pain – pain is never normal and patients deserve answers
  • Collaborating with pelvic pain specialists and endometriosis advocates to provide access to care
  • Engaging with endometriosis and pelvic pain patients to amplify experiences and the patient’s voice



A world where we normalize the experiences of Endo Warriors to end the stigma and pave the way for access to care and a life without pain for all endo and pelvic pain sufferers.

Created by Warriors for Warriors

Endometriosis is one of the only medical conditions that society treats like a character flaw.

Endo Warriors show up every day armed for a battle they never signed up to fight – against their bodies, against their loved ones who misunderstand, against the medical community, and against their own minds. You’re not drinking enough water. You should exercise more. You should exercise less. You don’t know your own body. Try this diet, it will cure you.

The reality is that 1 in 9 get up every day and live their lives with a chronic, incurable condition that causes pain, and impacts their careers, relationships, families, and daily lives… yet draws mostly skepticism and gaslighting from everyone around them. Society tells 16 million+ Americans that their experiences are not real or significant enough, so they struggle in silence, isolation, and pain.

When we normalize the experiences of Endo Warriors, we end the stigma. Having Endometriosis is normal. Having pain is not.

Founded [And Led By] Warriors

Our Leadership Team

  • Allyson Shrikhande, MD

    Founder, Worthy Warrior
    Co-Founder + Chief Medical Officer, Pelvic Rehabilitation Medicine
  • Gautam Shrikhande, MD

    Founder, Worthy Warrior
    Co-Founder + Chief Executive Officer, Pelvic Rehabilitation Medicine
  • Theresa Porcaro

    Founder, Worthy Warrior
    Head of Marketing, Pelvic Rehabilitation Medicine
  • Bradania McWilliams

    Founder, Worthy Warrior
    Marketing Specialist, Pelvic Rehabilitation Medicine
  • Jessie Fielding

    Founder, Worthy Warrior
    Marketing Strategist, Pelvic Rehabilitation Medicine

You Are Not Alone

Hear From Others Who Found Their Voice

We know that sharing stories plays a huge part in helping those in need to find the care they deserve. Community member reviews help others learn more about this space, and help those in need find us.


“I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy…They took blood and urine samples. They found nothing abnormal. I was then referred to GYN and eventually discharged as it was a ‘GYN’ problem’ I remember crying in shock leaving the hospital as I was still in pain and couldn’t believe I was coming out still in agony with no answers or remedy…”


He then said ‘Look sometimes we have pain for no reason and that’s just it’ I remember being shocked and just so deflated. I collapsed crying on the floor after I left. I’ve never felt so dismissed in all my life and was made to feel crazy and that it’s all in my head.”​


“My providers did not believe my symptoms. They said I didn’t have it and told me to stop Dr. Googling. I self-referred to a gyn surgeon for hysterectomy. She found endo during the surgery.”


“I was told by multiple doctors that there was no way I could have endometriosis because I was on birth control. I saw 4 doctors and they just wanted to have my switch to different kinds of birth control and told me it was just bad period cramps…”

Created By [And For] Warriors

Worthy Warrior was created by patients for patients.

What the world does not see is how much of a privilege it is not to have to show up to every doctor’s visit braced for a fight and ready for battle – your symptom diary a sword and medical records your shield.

Warriors know.

Sometimes you need someone who gets it the way you do. Someone who keeps the same binder of medical records and has the same pre-appointment hype routine… someone to tell you that actually is not normal.

When you’ve suffered to know end, go to someone who knows Endo.

When you need a safe place to talk, go to a place where the community welcomes you.

When you need to be reminded that your experiences matter, turn to Worthy Warrior.

Everything You Need to Know

Your Worthy Warrior Questions Answered

We understand that joining a new community can be intimidating, especially if you’ve been suffering with chronic pelvic pain and related conditions for so long. Learn more about Worthy Warrior and the community here.

Worthy Warrior is a safe and welcoming space to ask questions and share stories relating to chronic pelvic pain, endometriosis, healthcare, and more. We are an online forum dedicated to expanding access to knowledge and validation.

Worthy Warrior was created because we want the ones who are suffering to control their narrative and have access to free, un-biased information about their conditions, treatments that are available, We want those in pain to find validation for their pain and symptoms through community, and to find answers to their questions from those who are going through the same experiences.

Anyone! We encourage those who are searching for validation and answers for their pain and symptoms to join this community, so that you may find others who are having the same experiences.

Pelvic Rehabilitation Medicine founded Worthy Warrior in 2024, acting on their mission to expand access to care for all.

Stay in Touch with the Warriors

Whether you’re just looking for more information or want to know what’s going on in the WW community, join our mailining list and never miss out the information that’s important to you.