Founder, Worthy Warrior
Marketing Strategist, Pelvic Rehabilitation Medicine

Jessie Fielding

As a Digital Marketing Strategist at Pelvic Rehabilitation Medicine, Jessie leverages her extensive experience in the medical marketing field to people struggling with endometriosis and chronic pelvic pain. Although she does not suffer from endometriosis, she understands the issues surrounding women’s health due to her connection with this disease and the lasting misunderstandings within the medical industry.

Her connection to the issue stems from her adoption, which was a direct result of her mother’s struggle with endometriosis and the subsequent unnecessary hysterectomy she underwent in the 80s. Reflecting on her personal story, Jessie made a vow to build a career that she could be proud of – one that not only brings her fulfillment but also makes a meaningful impact on people’s lives. Worthy Warrior offers her a significant opportunity to fulfill this promise.